Using the types of entities found in the henry books

Using the types of entities found in the Henry Books database (books, authors, and publishers), create an example of a table that is in first normal form but not in second normal form and an example of a table that is in second normal form but not in third normal form. In each case, justify your answers and show how to convert to the higher forms.
2. Henry Books is considering selling textbooks to a local college. To do so, it must maintain information about courses, textbooks, and instructors. Determine the multivalued dependencies in the following table, and then convert this table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in fourth normal form. Each course is associated with a specific set of textbooks independent of the instructors who are teaching the course. In other words, although many instructors may be teaching the course, they all will use the same set of textbooks.
   Course (CourseNum, Textbook, InstructorNum, InstructorName)
3. The following unnormalized table is similar in content to the table in Exercise 2. Note that this table has two separate repeating groups: one listing the textbooks used for the course and the other listing the instructors who teach the course. Convert it to fourth normal form. Did you encounter the table from Exercise 2 along the way?
   Course (CourseNum, Description, NumCredits, (Textbook), (InstructorNum, InstructorName) )
4. Identify the functional dependencies in the following unnormalized table. Convert the table to third normal form. Is the result also in fourth normal form? Why or why not?
   Book (BookCode, Title, PublisherCode, PublisherName, (AuthorNum, AuthorLast, AuthorFirst) )

1. Using the types of entities found in the Alexamara Marina Group database (marinas, owners, boat slips, categories, and service requests), create an example of a table that is in first normal form but not in second normal form and an example of a table that is in second normal form but not in third normal form. In each case, justify your answer and show how to convert to the higher forms.
2. Determine the functional dependencies that exist in the following table, and then convert this table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in third normal form:
   Marina (MarinaNum, Name, (SlipNum, Length, RentalFee, BoatName) )
3. Determine the functional dependencies that exist in the following table, and then convert this table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in third normal form:
   MarinaSlip (SlipID, MarinaNum, SlipNum, Length, RentalFee, BoatName, BoatType, OwnerNum, LastName, FirstName

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Basic Computer Science: Using the types of entities found in the henry books
Reference No:- TGS0979640

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