types of leukemialeukaemia may be chronic or

Types of Leukemia

Leukaemia may be chronic  or acute and is classified  into  the  following  categories: 

i)  Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia (ALL)

This is  the most common form of children leukaemia and accounts  for about 80 per cent of childhood leukaemias.  In this type of disease  lymphoid cell line  is affected. The ALL can be sub-classified  on the basis of cellular characteristics related to thymic (T cell) and bursal-equivalent  (B cell) origin of normal lymphocytes. 

ii)  Acute Non-lymphocpic Leukaemia (ANLL) 

This is a group of malignant disease  in which  the basic abnormality is a generalised progressive proliferation  of mature monocytes  and myelocytes fiom the bone marrow that invade  the blood and other  tissue. These include acute myeloblastic  or myelocytic Leukemia (AML), acute promyelocytic  leukemia  (APML),  acute monocytic  leukemia Hamafologiul  Disorders  (AMML)  and acute monocytic leukemia.  

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Biology: types of leukemialeukaemia may be chronic or
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