Tropical geomorphology

Question 1: What do you mean by tropics and describe the peculiarities of the tropical climate.

Question 2: Explain the nature and development of deep weathering profile in the tropics.

Question 3: Differentiate between duricrust and laterite and give an account of different divisions of the lateritic profile.

Question 4: Outline the factors influencing mass movement and describe the rapid and slow mass movement processes in the tropics.

Question 5: Describe the origin and evolution of the Boulder Inselberg.

Question 6: Explain the formation of peneplains in the tropics and describe the double surface of planation.

Question 7: Write notes on any two:

a) Morphogenetic regions.
b) Tropical coasts.
c) Process of soil formation in tropics.

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Other Subject: Tropical geomorphology
Reference No:- TGS05587

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