trend reports the main purpose of a trend

Trend Reports 

The main purpose of a Trend Report is to fulfill the specific information requirement of a specialist reader on a particular subject. It provides an account of the general direction of research in the subject based on a review of the documents on current developments. Trend Report is a highly useful LAC (Information Analysis and Consolidation) product, which enhances the specialists in their research work. These may be adhoc documents in a particular subject or sometimes serial publications.

It provides first hand information about the research and development work that are being carried out in a country or throughout the world, in a consolidated form. This saves the time of the researcher, which can be utilized efficiently for the research work. Trend Reports are generally produced in house by various R&D organisations. The trend reports are also produced by International organisations like World Bank, UNESCO, FAO etc. and by other commercial publishers.

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Humanities: trend reports the main purpose of a trend
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