To determine if a customer qualifies for a bank

Qualifying for a Bank Loan

Decision structure inside decision structure:                    

Problem: To determine if a customer qualifies for a bank loan.


Create 2 constants                                                                                         

MIN_SALARY = 30000.0


To qualify for a bank loan, 2 conditions must be must exist:         

The customer must earn at least $30,000 per year

The customer must have been employed for at least 2 years.

Use proper indentation and display appropriate message             

Input: annual salary, years employed

Compute: does customer meet both qualifications for the loan?

Output: See examples: (input shown in bold)

Enter your annual salary: 35000

Enter the number of years employed: 1

You must have been employed for at least 2 years to qualify.

Enter your annual salary: 25000

Enter the number of years employed: 5

You must earn at least $30,000 per year to qualify.

Enter your annual salary: 35000

Enter the number of years employed: 5

You qualify for the loan. 1

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Other Subject: To determine if a customer qualifies for a bank
Reference No:- TGS0607571

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