This project is designed to exercise all the java tools


This project is designed to exercise all the Java tools that you have learned about this term: classes/objects, variables, decision constructs, loops, arrays, encapsulation, overloading, inheritance, error handling, and application deployment.


You are to create a Java application that keeps track of school courses. Your Course class is composed of Persons of 2 types: Instructors and Students. A Course can only have 1 Instructor but it can have 5-10 Students. I recommend you build and test your classes in the following order: Person, Instructor, Student, Course.

Course Class Properties and Behaviors

· Properties or attributes
o Course Title
o Instructor (1) of type Instructor
o Students (5-10) array of type Student
o Current Number of students
o Maximum Number of students
o Average grade //in points using a 0-100 scale
o Highest grade //in points using a 0-100 scale
o Lowest grade //in points using a 0-100 scale

· Behaviors or methods

o Constructor that allows all the following attributes to be initiated when a Course object is instantiated: Course Title, Instructor and Maximum Number of Students in the class.

o Setter and getter methods for Course Title and Instructor
o addStudent() method for Students (which adds a student to the Students array)
o Getter method for Current Number of Students
o The following getter methods which all return a double value
* getAverageGrade() //returns the average grade of the class
* getHighestGrade() //returns the highest grade of the class
* getLowestGrade() //returns the lowest grade of the class
o Overload the Object toString method to print out the following:
* Course Title
* Instructor: Title Firstname Lastname
* Student Roster:

//for each student print out first and last name, student ID, and grade
* Number of students: __
* Average grade: __
* Highest grade: __
* Lowest grade: __

Person Class Properties and Behaviors

· Properties or attributes
o First name
o Last name

· Behaviors or methods
o Constructors
Default no-argument constructor
2-argument constructor that sets the first and last name attributes
o Setter and getter methods for each attribute
o Override Object's default toString() method to print out "FirstName LastName"
Student Class Properties and Behaviors (inherits Person class)
· Attributes
o Student ID
o Grade //0-100 point scale
· Methods
o Constructors
Default no-argument constructor
4 Argument constructor (First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Grade)
o Setter and getter methods for all attributes
o Create a getLetterGrade method that returns a letter grade instead of a point value: 0-59 F, 60-69 D, 70-79 C, 80-89 B, and 90-100 A
o Overload toString to print out the following: First name, Last name, Student ID, and Letter grade
Instructor Class Properties and Behaviors (inherits Person class)
· Attributes
o Title (Prof or Dr.)
· Methods
o Constructors
* Default no-argument constructor
* 3-argument constructor (First Name, Last Name, Title)
o Setter and getter methods for all attributes
o Overload toString to print out the following: Title Firstname Lastname

Additional Instructions

Your program must use the following Java capabilities:
· Inheritance (is-a relationships)
· Composition (has-a relationships)
· Decision constructs
· Arrays
· Loops (to include at least 1 enhanced for-loop)
· Error handling (catch the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)
· Overloaded methods and constructors
· Encapsulation

Create a CourseTest class to demonstrate your project. Your CourseTest class must create at least 2 Course objects with different instructors and 5 students. Every method in every class must be demonstrated (the best way to do that is to use setter methods in your constructors to show that they work and use getter methods in your toString methods to show that they work whenever the toString method is called). You must also attempt to add an 6th student to 1 of your courses to demonstrate your try/catch implementation for ArrayOutOfBoundsException.

Run your CourseTest class and paste screen shots of the output into a Word document to show it working. Turn in the following:
· Word file showing the results of your test runs (screen shots)
· Source (.java) files
· Compiled (.class) files
· The deployable JAR file

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JAVA Programming: This project is designed to exercise all the java tools
Reference No:- TGS01035807

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