This essay needs to make a scholarly argument properly

Essay Requirement and References

Essay requirement
Word length: 2800-3000

Discuss topic:

Stanton argues that Media Relations is an industry that has not yet reached full maturity - and that evaluation and measurement "are important elements in the increasing professionalization of the field" (Stanton 2007: 211)

This essay needs to make a scholarly argument, properly referenced, discussing the role of evaluation in the Media Relations field and the various methods of evaluating campaigns. Whenever possible, refer to your own campaign as a case study.

References may include the prescribed text, additional readings from the recommended reading list and sources provided in seminars, as well as your own independent research.


References provided in the attachment::

Stanton R 2007 Media Relations, Oxford University Press Melbourne.

Megdal L, Evaluating Media Campaign Effectiveness: Others Do it, Why Don't We?
,Megdal & Associates, Sylvia Bender, California Energy Commission

Coffman, J 2002, Public communication campaign evaluation: An environmental
scan of challenges, criticisms, practice, and opportunities. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Family Research Project

Chia, J: Measuring the immeasurable?

Land donation campaign plan

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Essay Writing: This essay needs to make a scholarly argument properly
Reference No:- TGS01224612

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Anonymous user

2/23/2016 6:48:20 AM

In this assignment, you have to write a 5 to 6 pages word document on the topic – ‘Stanton argues that Media Relations is an industry which has not yet reached full maturity - and that assessment and measurement "are significant elements in the increasing professionalization of the field" (Stanton 2007: 211)’. The essay requires to make a scholarly argument, correctly referenced, describing the role of assessment in the Media Relations field and the different methods of assessing campaigns. If possible, refer to your own campaign as the case study. References might comprise the prescribed text, extra readings from the recommended reading list and sources given in seminars, and also your own independent research.