the security systems development life cycle

The Security Systems Development Life Cycle (SecSDLC)

The same phases which is used in traditional SDLC can be adapted to support specialized implementation of IS project,At its center, implementing information security includes Identifying of specific threats and creating special controls to counter them.


The investigation phase of SecSDLC starts with a directive from upper management, dictating or Identifies the process, goals, outcomes, budget and constraints of project. This phase begins with the enterprise information security policy that outlines the implementation of a security program within organization. Organizational feasibility analysis can be performed to determine whether the organization has resources and commitment required to conduct a successful security analysis and design.


In analysis phase, the documents from investigation phase are studied properly. The development team conducts a preliminary analyzes existing security policies or programs, along with the documented current threats and connected controls. This phase includes analysis of relevant legal issues also which could impact design of the security solution. The risk management task begins from this stage.

 Logical Design

The logical design phase creates and develops blueprints for information security and examines and implements key policies which influence the decisions. The team plans the incident response actions to be taken in the event of the partial or catastrophic loss. The planning answers following questions:

•    Continuity planning – How will business they continue in the event of loss?
•    Incident response - What steps should be taken when the attack is observed?
•    Disaster recovery – What should be done to recover information and vital systems immediately when the disastrous event has occured?

 Physical Design

In physical design phase, the information security technology required to support the blueprint outlined in the logical design can be evaluated, alternative solutions generated, feasibility study and final design agree upon.


In implementation phase in of SecSDLC is similar to that of the traditional SDLC. The security solutions are acquired, tested, implemented, and tested again. Personal issues are evolved, and specific training and education programs are conducted. Finally, the whole tested package is presented to upper management for the final approval.

Maintenance and Change

In this phase, given the current ever changing threat environment. Reparation and restoration of information is a constant duel with the unseen adversary. Information security profile of the organization requires constant adaptation as new threats emerge and old threats expand.

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Computer Networking: the security systems development life cycle
Reference No:- TGS0173055

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