The implications of 501 tax status awards for racist


Assignment Instructions


After reading the Lesson Three material, go the the following link and watch the TED Talk by Sam Harris entitled Science Can Answer Moral Questions:

Afterward, please write an essay addressing the following questions.

1. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of association are all values that we as Americans hold dear. Yet, we sometimes encounter ethical quandaries when individuals or groups who seek to proliferate ideas that the majority would consider nefarious demand statuses of recognition and privilege normally reserved for more widely-accepted perspectives. Consider this article on the implications of 501(c)(3) tax status awards for racist, white-nationalist propaganda organizations.

Consider the arguments on both sides of this public debate. One one hand, you have the argument that all Americans (and organizations) should be afforded equal rights, notwithstanding different points of view (remember Evelyn Beatrice Hall: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"). On the other hand, you have the arguments that government tax incentives should not be subsidizing hate groups, and that the groups in question are unworthy of non-profit status because they operate in a deceptive manner (with misleadingly benign names) and are not really "educating" as the spirit of the law intended.

What say you on this issue? Did the IRS err in these cases? To what rights are such groups entitled? What statuses would you---or would you not---confer upon such groups?

2. Suppose that someone who reads your answers to the first part of this assignment accuses you of bias. Another reader states that your answer is "just your opinion," and that there is nothing that makes your opinion more valid than anyone else's. Defend yourself. How would you counter such charges? What makes your answer more than just opinion?

Submission Instructions:

This assignment should at a minimum contain 2,000 words of content (double spaced) and should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW references ("new" here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field. This assignment uses Turn It In for originality verification.

Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS Word attachment (.doc or .docx format). A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission.

Attachment:- Diversity and multiculturalism.rar

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Business Management: The implications of 501 tax status awards for racist
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