The evolution of our understanding double space in roman

Astronomy Research Project

"The Evolution of Our Understanding". Double space in Roman Letters, Font 12. cite all references used.Over the course of several modules, you will explore the line between scientific facts and fiction in a popular cultural context.

That context may be television or film, popular science articles, historical events, or something else approved by your instructor. You will need to exercise critical thinking skills to decide when something is scientifically sound and when it is not, and write your findings in a persuasive-style, thesis-based research paper.

In a one-page document, choose one primary topic and one "back-up" topic about which you would be interested in writing for the Research Project.

You might choose to explore the scientific accuracy of your favorite movie; the realism of claims man will reach Mars in a certain number of years; whether or not Apollo 11 actually landed on the moon; how much influence your zodiacal sign has on your daily life; or something completely different.

Think creatively about what might be fictional that's usually taken as fact, or might be factual yet is usually taken as fiction. Include for each topic the aspects you expect to explore, and whether you expect your subject matter to align more with fact or fiction.

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Reference No:- TGS01058235

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