Tattooed soldier by tobar

Tattooed Soldier – Second Half


Answer according to the following: (2 pages)

P= Purpose(s) of text
A= Audience(s) of text
S= Subject matter of text
S= Stance of author toward text
K= Key passage of text (and why it is key!)
E= Elaborate on at least 3 questions and/or comments
Y= Your connection to the text (not so much did you identify with something in the text, but did it remind you of something–another text, another course, an experience, the news, etc.)

Book: Tattooed Soldier by Tobar (Only Part 3)

Answer these questions: (1 Page)

1. In the opening scene, an immigrant landlord is kicking out two immigrants from his apartment building in LA. No one speaks English very well, yet English is the language they have in common. What does this scene tell us about translation and communication in a “global community”?

2. We gradually get the background of both Antonio and the Sargent, and learn how the war in Guatemala shaped both of their lives. What do we learn?

3. This novel has as its main characters people who are “at home” in Guatemala but are making “a home” in LA. In moving back and forth between Guatemala and LA, the novel itself is “at home” in both locales. How does the writer enable his readers to imagine a world where Guatemala and LA are so intimately intertwined, “placing” us within each locale, but envisioning both locales in relation to one another?

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