role of communication in promoting

Role of communication in promoting education:

Transmission  of knowledge and information, which is the first step in education, is obviously possible only through communication. This happens in a classroom situation,  in a factory, a workshop or even in a group-discussion. It is through the process of communication,  that the knowledge is transferred from one person to another or to  a group. The training in skills and the technique of doing a  job go  through the same process. The availability of media, radio, TV, films, slides, charts or other illustrations, has supplemented books and teachers in the task of  transm'itting  knowledge as well as skills. A vastly larger number of persons can now be benefitted through the use of mass media. The media like TV, films and video, which have hearing and seeing components, can create impact as well as understanding, which is sometimes not possible in a class-room situation. The mere fact of providing illustrations  through moving pictures on a TV set or video screen gives to such media great potential.  

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Science: role of communication in promoting
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