Responsibilities of person occupying procurement function


A successful procurement needs the effort and expertise of many persons. These persons should be organized in a team which brings together all of skills and authority required to manage and conduct the procurement.

As far as probable, the following functions must be represented on team: procurement, program/ operations, technical, and budget.


Question 1: What are the (3) three responsibilities of person occupying the procurement function?

Question 2: What are the (2) two responsibilities of person occupying the operation/ program function? Demonstrate with the example.

Question 3: What are the (3) three responsibilities of person occupying the budget function?

Question 4: What are the responsibilities of person occupying the technical function? Demonstrate with an example.

Question5: List all (4) four responsibilities of procurement team?

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Other Management: Responsibilities of person occupying procurement function
Reference No:- TGS08577

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