registers a resister is a group of


A resister is  a group  of flip  flops  or binary  cells which holds  the binary information. Since  a binary cell  stores  one  bit of  information  an n bit  register has n  flip  flops  and capable of storing any  information of n bits a resister may have  combinational  gates that per from  some  processing  task  of certain data.  The register  has logic  gates and flip  flops. The flip  flops  stores the binary  information  and gates control  the transition of information into the  register. The simplest  possible  register is one that consist of only  flip  flops. The simple 4  bit  register is shown in figure  which  is also  known as buffer  resister.

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Electrical Engineering: registers a resister is a group of
Reference No:- TGS0222136

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