radioanalytical methodsradioanalytical methods

Radioanalytical methods:

Radioanalytical methods using radiotracers and activation analysis are more sensitive and specific because of ease of detection of nuclear radiation. Being dependent on nuclear property there is complete absence of chemical interferences.  Details of isotope dilution analysis (IDA), radiometric titration, radiochromatography and radioimmunoassay including their principles of methodology, applications, advantages and limitations are discussed. The principle of neutron activation analysis, its methodology including instrumentation and typical applications are discussed. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) has the special advantage of being nondestructive and multielemental besides being blank free and hence very useful for forensic and archaeological studies. However, INAA is suited for the determination of total elemental content only but not suited for speciation studies. A comparative account of NAA and IDA with other trace analysis methods is presented. These methods are preferred in spite of the fact that specially licensed laboratory and radiation safety measures are required.

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Chemistry: radioanalytical methodsradioanalytical methods
Reference No:- TGS0179441

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