question 1 use the attached database to provide

Question 1: Use the attached database to provide the relational algebra which would list the requested information (showing the result relation for EACH STEP). (6 marks each - total 48 marks)

a. Give the details of all suppliers in the Sault Ste Marie.

b. List all inventory items with a quantity less than 100 units

c. List all the inventory items stored in Sudbury

d. Give the supplier details (name and id) for those located in Sudbury.

e. List all the supplier names who supply all the red parts.

f. List the details of parts supplied by Quality

g. List the part number of all parts supplied and located in the same city.

h. List the supplier details for suppliers who do not supply blue parts.

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C/C++ Programming: question 1 use the attached database to provide
Reference No:- TGS0501436

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