question 1 a explain the following terms in


(a) Explain the following terms in Digital Image Processing

I. Target-to-Source Mapping in Geometric Operations

II. Convolution

(b) Suppose you have to perform Thresholding on an Image based on a set of 3 values, 100, 180 and 200 respectively. Explain using sample codes how you would proceed in a plugin using ImageJ environment

(c) Deduce the formula to pixel neighbouring assuming that the value of the pixel of interest is given by f(x,y)


(a) Explain why in some image processing scenarios, filters are used instead of point operations on pixel values

(b) Show with diagrams how the Median Filters work

(c) Write the run method for a Median Filter in ImageJ environment


(a) Write down the following

(i) A filter for the Prewitt Operator

(ii) A filter for the Sobel Operator

(iii) A function for the Sobel Gradient Function

(b) Explain how to stretch an image to its full intensity using Automatic Contrast Adjustment

(c) Unsharp masking (USM) is a technique for edge sharpening that is particularly popular in astronomy, digital printing, and many other areas of image processing. Write a Java method using ImageJ for the USM

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Computer Engineering: question 1 a explain the following terms in
Reference No:- TGS0444614

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