purpose of research designany research design

Purpose of Research Design:

Any research design has two basic purposes.

a. To provide answers to research questions as validly objectively accurately and economically as possible and.

b. To bring empirical evidence to bear on the research problem by controlling variance. The above purpose of research design can further be explained as follows:

Accurate Results:

All the research activities have the purpose of answering research questions. However the manner of seeking answers to the research questions differ from situation to situation according to the nature of the problems. In any project the research problem are further stated in forms of specific hypothesis so that they can be tested against empirical evidences achieved. The hypothesis states the relationship between variables and may vary from being most general to most specific ones. There are various ways of testing the hypothesis depending upon their structure. This has resulted to the development of different designed of research.

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Operation Management: purpose of research designany research design
Reference No:- TGS0204021

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