Provide analysis of what the ratios calculated suggest

Compare Target to its competitors Sears and Walmart. Please evaluate all three companies on the most recent year of (1) profit margin on sales, (2) net income divided by average total assets, (3) average total assets divided by average total stockholders' equity, and (4) net income divided by average shareholder equity. In calculating the average numbers in ratios (2), (3) and (4), sum the end-of-year value and the beginning-of-year value, and divide by 2.

For Target only, calculate all 4 ratios for the two most recent years (2014 & 2015).

Also, Provide analysis of what the ratios calculated suggest about Target relative to its competitors (Sears and Walmart). Include some sort of graphical analysis.

Finally, why do yo think these cross-company differences exist?

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Accounting Basics: Provide analysis of what the ratios calculated suggest
Reference No:- TGS02580146

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