Proofread the given two paragraphs- i agree with you about

Proofread the given two paragraphs.

Paragraph 1:

I agree with you about the code of ethnic is the "nurses' roles and expected behaviors." In my perspective, I also believe that the code of ethics laid emphasis on what is expected of nurses. "This code of ethics is specific to nurses. However, it can be applied to all other health care professions." The code of ethnic applied to all healthcare professionals. Patients are the center of attention in the medical field. All health professionals working indirectly or directly with a patient should show respect and care for patients. All medical professions are the advocates for healthcare. When all healthcare professions work together with integrity, they will provide the best care for their patients. Healthcare Administrators do play a significant role in ensuring that the nursing facility function effectively. They also have a major role in organizing the healthcare professions to work together as a team to produce a beneficial care for their clients. According to Collaborative Healthcare Teams a Growing Success Story, Wood, an RN contributor stated that in healthcare field, "culture requires skilled communication, true collaboration, effective decision-making, appropriate staffing, meaningful recognition and authentic leadership" (Wood, 2016). The healthcare field requires effective communication between healthcare staff members throughout. To provide the best results in the healthcare field, each person should communicate with other staff members about the patients' needs and wants and communicate with patients with dignity and respect. Staff members should always collaborate in making a critical decision about health care especially when it must do with patients' health.

Wood, D. (2016). Collaborative Healthcare Teams a Growing Success Story. Retrieved from

Paragraph 2:

Reading your post, I found it interesting, the code of ethnic does have "direct application" to the nursing profession. Nurses are the direct contact for patients, especially bedside nurses. Patients feel more comfortable communicating their problems with these nurses that are why it is serious that nurses follow the code of ethnic guidelines to help nurses to understand confidentiality and accountability of their actions and behaviors. I agree with your opinion that "any profession should abide some level of code of ethics for their profession." In every profession, especially in the healthcare professions, workers should abide by what is written in the code of ethnic. Every patient deserves to receive the best treatments from their healthcare caregiver which is what the code of ethnic emphasize on more. The code of ethnic also stated that Healthcare professionals in a facility must ensure that they collaborate effectively to provide the best care for their patients. Nurses that work directly with patients must allow patients to have a saying on their healthcare plans. Nurses should keep patient's information confidential at all time. According to O'Dowd "The common law of confidentiality says that people have a right to expect that information given to a healthcare professional is only used for the reason it was given but also that it will not be disclosed without permission" (p.1). Patients have the right to know and decide how his or her information is being displayed or to whom they want their information to be display.

O'Dowd, A (n.d). Patients have the right to confidentiality from all healthcare professionals. The Heart of
Healthcare. Retrived from

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