product development cycle all products under

Product development cycle 

All products under development typically follow the cycle of market place-to-market place. The development starts with identification of a product in market place, followed by market research for this product to confirm its potential, expected price range, features and so on, to ensure economic viability. Product design takes off at this stage followed by process design and operations. Subsequently, the product is ready for consumption and hits the market at a suitable time. The product designer should ensure that quality tag is inbuilt in each stage to provide a reliable, easily maintainable, cost effective and visually  attractive product to the consumer. Post sales warranty and service support will add a feather in the supplier customer service. 

There are few production processes followed by organisations. The organisation prepares a strategic business plan, which defines the major goals and objectives of the company. An effective planning is always required to implement any process or model in an organisation. 

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Management Theories: product development cycle all products under
Reference No:- TGS0161696

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