Produce a level 0 context diagram

Data Flow Diagrams

From the following investigation notes:

• Produce a Level 0 Context Diagram.
• Produce a Level 1 DFD of the physical system
• Produce a Level 2 DFD of the physical Reception Process
• Produce a Level 2 DFD of the physical Filing Process

X-Ray Management Investigation Notes


Patients present X-ray request forms obtained from their GP to reception. Each X-ray request form is allocated an appointment which is written on an appointment card and given to the patient. X-ray request forms are filed. A diary is maintained which contains details of all appointments. When patients arrive for X-ray, they present their appointment card. A nurse checks the validity of the appointment, passes the appointment card to a clerk and takes care of the patient. The clerk generates an X-ray file/report request for the filing section. The X-ray request form is retrieved from the file and given to the radiographer. X-ray film/report requests are placed in a temporary file for collection by the filing section.


On receipt of the X-ray request form, the radiographer takes the appropriate X-rays (called films) and places them in a temporary file for collection by the filing section. Each appointment results in a set of X-ray films.

Filing Clerk

The filing clerks collect the X-ray film/report requests. These request all X-ray films and reports previously generated for the patients. Patients can have many X-ray films and reports. The new X-ray films are attached and the complete set placed in a temporary file for the attention of the radiologist who makes out a report for the appointment. When a copy of the new report is received from the radiologist, all X-ray films and reports are returned to their permanent file.


The radiologist examines all X-ray films and reports a patient has and makes out a new report. The report is sent to the GP with a copy to the filing section. 

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Produce a level 0 context diagram
Reference No:- TGS0122294

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