Problem related to segregation-racial-ethnic discrimination

Assignment task:

Many books, plays, and movies have depicted life in a segregated America, whether that segregation was de jure (by law, or legal segregation such as Jim Crow) or de facto (in fact, or true in reality even if not legal). These depictions add to our understanding of history by showing us how discrimination affects individuals. Examples include classics such as Native Son, A Raisin in the Sun, and To Kill a Mockingbird, and contemporary accounts such as The Help, 42, Hidden Figures, and Green Book.

Please respond to the following:

If you've read or seen any books, plays, or movies on segregation or racial or ethnic discrimination, which would you recommend to fellow students? Why do you recommend them?

If you haven't read or seen any, which aspect of segregation would you like to learn more about, based on your textbook reading and some of the topics covered in the optional library articles? Why?

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History: Problem related to segregation-racial-ethnic discrimination
Reference No:- TGS03401535

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