Problem on redesigning the courtyard

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One example I would love to use is a construction project we completed for one of our schools. Redesigning the courtyard for one of our campuses was a drastic undertaking since there were several factors to take into consideration. The structure of the project is completing the redesign of the campus courtyard within three months in time for students to come back to a new courtyard. Tasks and subtasks would be items such as permit applications, setting up inspections, picking out concrete colors, awning colors, and lighting needs. Project management in the form of CPM/PERT chart would be cost effective for a project like this because it helps answer the hard questions ahead of time. "Managers can gain the flexibility needed to complete critical tasks by identifying noncritical activities and replanning, rescheduling, and reallocating labor and financial resources (Heizer., et al, 2020)." In order to make a critical timeline that identifies possible delays such as items that were in short supply due to COVID-19. An AOA graph is also helpful resource in projects like this because it identifies items and how they connect to the following step in the project.

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Other Management: Problem on redesigning the courtyard
Reference No:- TGS03381684

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