Ppmp20014 - complex project management - complexity stephen

Discussion - "Four Flying Project Managers"

In chapter of Terry Cooke-Davies' book Aspects of Complexity Stephen Carver and Harvey Maylor apply a flying analogy of four generic types of management to teaching complexity within the project and program environment (Cooke-Davies 2011, p.69-70).

What do you conclude from Carver's and Maylor's analogy? And, what on earth do Carver and Maylor mean by structural and dynamic complexity?

In not more than 1,000 words make your explanation by typing rich text directly into the editor field for your submission. The text area will be available in this study week from 12am Monday until 12am the following Monday. Submissions made after that time will receive a 5% penalty for each day late.

Please make sure that you meet the deadlines set for this assignment. Extensions will only be allowed by using the COL) Assessment Extension Request link in this moodle web page.

You must use the correct academic communication method to write your explanation, including in-text references and a reference list. See the Academic Learning Centre moodle web page in the Moodle Support section on this web page if you do not know how to do this. The 1,000 word limit includes all the text you enter, which also consists of in-text references and the reference list.

You should discuss this question and assignment with your tutor and colleagues in your prior weekly tutorial.

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Project Management: Ppmp20014 - complex project management - complexity stephen
Reference No:- TGS02881926

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