Pick an emerging technology within the construction arena

Assignment: Sustainable Buildings

1. Pick an Emerging Technology within the construction arena.
2. Describes how this technology can be used to support and hinder sustainability.
3. Explain the Basis of your evaluation. Use data and graphs from other sources when available.


1. 750 - 1000 Words

2. Section off as Introduction of Technology, Description of Sustainability, How this Technology Supports Sustainability, How this Technology Hinders Sustainability, Conclusion, References

3. In your conclusion, tell me if you would select this technology in your building design...why and why not.

4. Paper must include at least three different references. List references at the end. APA format or equivalent.

An added bonus of 1 point per term will be added for the correct use of each/any of these terms. The term must be in bold and italics within the paper.

•Sustainability •Sustainable Development •Sustainable Construction •Substitutability •Deep Ecology •Factor 4 and Factor 10 •Carrying Capacity •Ecological Footprint •Ecological Rucksack•Adaptive Management •Ecological Economics •Externalities •Internalization •Environmental Ethics •Ethics of Sustainability •Clean Production •Industrial and Construction Ecology•Industrial Metabolism •Eco-efficiency •MIPS •NZEB •LCA •LCC •Ecological Design •Green Construction •Green Building Materials •TND •NU •USGBC •Green Building Initiative •LEED, BREEAM, Green Globes •Peak Oil •Peak Water •Watergy •Emergy, Exergy, Entropy, Enthalpy•Rainwater Harvesting •Greywater, Reclaimed Water, Black water •Architecture 2030 Challenge.

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Dissertation: Pick an emerging technology within the construction arena
Reference No:- TGS02414766

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