Perceptions and attributions to manage people

Self-fulfilling prophecy Perceptual defense Selective perception (or "I"ll see it when I believe it." How do we use information to make internal vs. external attributions? Does the person act this way in similar situations? Does person act this way only in this situation? Do others act this way in this situation? How do we use information to make internal vs. external attributions? Would you make an internal or external attribution for Employee 1"s performance? Would you make an internal or external attribution for Employee 1"s performance? Would you make an internal or external attribution for Employee 1"s performance? Fundamental attribution bias: overestimate internal causes of others" behaviors and minimize the situational reasons, especially with regard to poor performance How can we use knowledge about perceptions and attributions to manage people?

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Business Management: Perceptions and attributions to manage people
Reference No:- TGS0116575

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