Organization approach to implementing security policies



Continue to work on your Management Plan, adding the Unit 2 Individual Project deliverables to the Security Policies and Monitoring section.

This deliverables are as follows:

• List and explain 3 factors your company or organization uses in your approach to implementing security policies.

• Provide 3 S.M.A.R.T. metrics that your company or organization uses in measuring security monitoring success.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Reading Assignment

• Antonucci:

• National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2008). Performance measurement guide for information security.

• Leach, T. (2017). Promoting efficiencies through security metrics.

• InitGrow. (n.d.) Security standards, policy & process definition.

• CSO Staff. (2016). Security policy samples, templates and tools.

Assignment Objectives

• Outline an approach to implement security policy and security monitoring methods

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Business Law and Ethics: Organization approach to implementing security policies
Reference No:- TGS03022819

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