Mintzberg interpersonal, informational, decisional roles

Q1) What are the differences between Mintzberg Interpersonal, Informational and Decisional roles?

Q2) Consider the response you provided in point 1. Can you provide four examples of the specific work activities that managers perform related to those roles? Please ensure you establish the links to the roles you provided for each example.

Q3) What do you understand by work specialisation in terms of organisational structure?

Q4) What is the difference between emotions and attitudes? In your opinion in which ways these may impact workplaces?

Q5) Do you think the reference is credible and reliable? Remember: credibility means your source is believable and truthful. Reliability means you can trust your source because the author has relevant expertise. In answering this question, please consider the source - is the publication trustworthy and why, is the publication independent (ie: they are not receiving payment or other benefits in exchange for promoting something) who is reviewing the material (is the material peer reviewed), the level of expertise and authority.

Q6) Reflect on the activities you have done in class today. What did you find most useful and why? What specific skills do you think you developed?

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Other Subject: Mintzberg interpersonal, informational, decisional roles
Reference No:- TGS03381930

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