Maternal and paternal behaviors


Maternal and Paternal behaviors

Neural structures and chemicals play an important role in maternal and paternal behaviors. These neural underpinnings may relate to how men and women are socialized to care for children. One example is the reduction in testosterone in males during parenting experiences. Men are socialized to be less nurturing than women and more aggressive. In order for offspring to survive, any aggression towards them must be decreased. Thus, the reduction in testosterone in males caring for offspring leads to more nurturing care. Women are socialized to be nurturing towards offspring, which arises in part from the effect of hormonesduring pregnancy, as well as dopamine and serotonin secretion. The activation of areas of the brain responsible for maternal and paternal behaviors leads to patterns of behavior that are the social norm in caring for children.

I know there is research, but I also feel that some women are not fit to be maternal and it does not come as natural. Although more research has shown that it comes more natural to women than men.

What are your thoughts? That some women are not fit to be maternal and it does not come as natural. Women are socialized to be nurturing towards offspring, which arises in part from the effect of hormones during pregnancy, as well as dopamine and serotonin secretion (Dulac, et al., 2014). Why is that some women are not fit to be maternal?

Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced

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Other Subject: Maternal and paternal behaviors
Reference No:- TGS01902499

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