managerial benefitsimplement integrated


  • Implement integrated reliability engineering and product assurance program in all aspects of the product life-cycle, covering purchase, engineering, R&D, manufacturing,  quality  control,  inspection,  testing,  packaging,  shipping, installation, operation,  field Service, and  performance feedback,  take corrective  action  and  incorporate  maintainability  specifications  into the products.
  •  Establish  a  documentation  system  for  the  initiation  and  follow  up  of  all reliability oriented company activities and a newsletter.
  • Provide engineering  and  management  inputs  into  all  company  operations from the reliability point of view.
  • Indicate areas in which design changes would be most beneficial from the reliability improvement and cost reduction point of view.
  •  Establish guidelines for evaluating  suppliers  from their product's reliability point of view.
  • Assure good operational reliability by proper field service and well prepared operation and maintenance manual.
  • Reduce warranty costs, or increase the length and coverage of warranty.
  •  Reduce inventory costs through correct prediction of spare part requirements.
  • Help promote sales on the basic of reliability indices.
  • Increase customer satisfaction and goodwill.
  • Increase sales and profits, as a result of increased customer satisfaction.
  • Conduct trade-off studies among reliability, maintainability, availability, cost, weight, volume, operability, serviceability, and maintain for their lifetime


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Computer Engineering: managerial benefitsimplement integrated
Reference No:- TGS0159081

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