Leadership and the changing demographics of the workplace

Discus the below:

Topic: Leadership and the Changing Demographics of the Workplace


I. Leadership Styles and the Required Skill Sets

A. What are the vital leadership traits?

B. How do the generational differences affect the skill set/style

C. Communication differences

II. Multi-generational workforce effects on the organization

A. Gaps in workforce

1. Supply

2. Experience

B. The Changing Workplace

III. Succession Planning --Where should the next generation of leaders come from?

A. How does an organization plan for succession?

1. Who is involved?

2. Self evaluation

B. What should be included in a leadership succession program?

1. Small scale-Manager

2. Large scale-Senior staff or Board of TrusteesOverview

One of the objectives of this course is for students to demonstrate through a team based project the skills, knowledge and behaviors required for success in a team-based organization in the 21st century. Throughout the OL curriculum, you have engaged in a number of team-based projects. As a culmination of your program of study, you will have a final team project.

Students will work in teams to research a contemporary trend or issue related to leadership with the goal of teaching what they learned to their classmates. This presentation should provide a something new about the chosen topic.
Main Elements

You will be required to turn in:

• Executive Summary

• Bibliography

• A final presentation

Each student team will deliver a comprehensive presentation on their selected issue or trend. A major outcome is to teach your classmates something new regarding the topic. Teams should provide relevant documents and are expected to use PowerPoint or some other appropriate presentation software.

Your research should be future oriented and include the following:

• How the topic will change business and society

• How the topic will evolve

• What the implications are for these developments and changes

You may choose to interview a leader engaged in your topic of interest. The information you gather should be included in your presentation. Use the Interview Consent form to obtain formal consent prior to the interview.


Milestone One: Generating a Topic

In 1-4 Team Project Wiki, you will first, identify a topic in which you are interested. This must be a topic related to a current issue or a future trend in Organizational Leadership. Below are just a few examples.

• Trends in Small Business - Entrepreneurship and Innovation, US and Asia

• Technology and its Impact on Communication

• Changing Leadership Roles

• Impact of Global Warming

• Gender Issues in the Workplace

• Identity Theft and Fraud

• Nanotechnology

Milestone Two: Group Formation and Topic Selection

During 2-4 Team Project Wiki, place your name next to a topic you would like to research in the Team Project Topic wiki. If a topic already has more than 4 members, please make a secondary choice. A group is defined as the students who selected a topic. These topic ideas may be narrowed down depending upon student interest, once groups are self-identified. You will want to begin to work with your group to develop a focus for your research. Each group will be provided a group area in which they may communicate with group members. Introduce yourself to your group members using the Introduction Forum in the Team Project Group Pages. This milestone is not graded but will affect your final grade under "Milestone Submission"

Milestone Three: Research Project: Executive Summary and Bibliography

In 10-3 Team Research Project, you will submit an executive summary of the research, presentation and bibliography will be submitted. Although a research paper per se is not required, the submission must be self-explanatory and easily understood by the instructor and students. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Product Rubric.

Milestone Four: Presentation

In 10-4 Team Research Project Milestone No. 4, you will your Team Presentation. Teams should provide relevant documents and are expected to use PowerPoint or some other appropriate presentation software.

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HR Management: Leadership and the changing demographics of the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01852129

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