introduction to parallel computingparallel

Introduction  To Parallel Computing

Parallel computing has been a subject of importance in the computing community over the last few years. Ever-growing volume of databases and ever-increasing complexity of the new problems are putting enormous pressure on the still the super-fast modern single processor computers. Now the whole computer science community all over the globe is seeking for some computing environment where present computational capacity can be superior by a factor in order of thousands. The clearest answer is the introduction of multiple processors functioning in tandem i.e. the introduction of parallel computing.

Parallel computing is the concurrently execution of the same task, divide into subtasks, on many processors in order to contain results faster. The thinking is based on the detail that the procedure of solving a problem can generally be divided into slighter tasks, which may be solved out concurrently with some coordination mechanisms. Before going into the deep of parallel computing, we need to discuss some necessary concepts frequently used in


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