Interpreting the law for 335 million americans is democracy

Assignment Task: Do you believe that 9 Supreme Justices interpreting the law for 335 million Americans is democracy? Please look at Gore v Bush 2000. Should the 5 justices of the highest court pick our president? I will love to hear your comments. Steve Do you believe that Judicial review, where the US Supreme court can overturn Congressional legislation, e.g. Obamacare, if they are violating the US Constitution a measure of ensuring democracy, or is it a measure of overstepping their boundaries? I will love to hear your comments. Steve Where do we draw the line with regard to Federal Law v. State Law? Please note Amendment 10 of the US Constitution. Should the federal government have the right to dictate to states what they should do? Please look at the recent Coronavirus debates about the federal government opening as opposed to state decisions. Steve Should we have terms limits for the Justices, there is one judge who is 90 years old, can he represent the modern-day American People with his views? Will love to hear your comments.

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History: Interpreting the law for 335 million americans is democracy
Reference No:- TGS03335636

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