International business opportunity in china


I want assistance in developing a 15-to 20-slide (plus one reference slide) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker's notes that analyzes my chosen international business opportunity (importing/selling mobility products, such as walkers & wheelchairs in China). It must include at least 3 resources and follow the outline below.

-    Introduction

-    Description of product to be exported

-    Characteristics of target market

o    GNP/capita
o    GNP/capita growth rate
o    Size of market

-    Market screening

o    Basic need potential
o    Exchange rate trends
o    Import restrictions
o    Price controls
o    Government and public attitude toward buying American products
o    Size, number, and financial strength of competitors
o    Sociocultural forces

- Attitudes and beliefs

- Languages

- Education

-    Export marketing strategies

o    Promotion methods

-    Conclusion.

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International Economics: International business opportunity in china
Reference No:- TGS01994459

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