Problem: Individuality in America is what helps create. Develop, and form the person you are or want to be. In America we as U.S. citizens have a right to express, believe, identify, and say what we wish to freely. Everyone has their own opinions, beliefs, backgrounds that help to develop this individuality we so have in America. In other countries around the world, their government has a lot of say in how you you live. A great example of this is North Korea. Those living in North Korea have very little say in how they live, what their career is, what they eat, the entertainment they are subjected to, the clothing they wear, and even the style of their hair. This is due to the Communistic government and the dictatorship ruling by their leader. In America, this would have a great impact on how we perceive our government and who we vote for. There's no doubt if presented with two individuals one of sees our country as a Democracy and the other as Dictatorship/communistic, the one preaching Democracy would win, because they stand by the ability to create individuality. We are all special in our own way, we all express our own thoughts, think differently, and develop differently, due to the freedom we have as American citizens and our rights.