In this project you will be modifying the caesar cipher


In this project, you will be modifying the Caesar Cipher program you completed earlier in the semester. We will use multiple shift amounts in an attempt to make our "encryption" harder to crack and also make our program more general by reading the message from a file.

Caesar Cipher Encryption Review

The Caesar Cipher is simple way to "encrypt" alphabetic letters (aside: don't try encrypt anything important with the Caesar Cipher). All remaining punctuation symbols, numeric digits, or other characters (spaceing) remain unchanged.

Encrypting a message using the Caesar Cipher involves replacing each letter in a message with the letter k places further down the alphabet, wrapping around at the end of the alphabet when necessary. With k = 0, each letter is replaced by itself. With k = 20, each letter is shifted 20 places down the alphabet. To decode or decrypt the text you simply shift the encrypted letter in the opposite direction by k places and wrap around as necessary.

The letters in the Caesar Cipher alphabet start at 0 and continue through 25, with the letter "A" being 0 and "Z" being 25. If the user were to choose k = 3, the letter "A" (0) would be replaced by the letter "D" (3), while the letter "B" (1) would be replaced by the letter "E" (4). If a letter appears towards the end of the alphabet, the alphabet simply wraps around and starts again. So the letter "Z" (25) would be replaced by the letter "C" (25 + 3 = 28), which is 2 after wrapping around. The "wrap around" math is accomplished simply using the "modulo" operator in Python (%) which returns the remainder after integer division.

Attachment:- Advanced_Caesar_Cipher.pdf

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Python Programming: In this project you will be modifying the caesar cipher
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