implement decision tree algorithm using netbeans

  • Implement Decision Tree Algorithm using Netbeans (Java) & Microsoft Access 2007.
  • "One Level is enough, output should contains gain of each attribute, the selected attribute and its values".
  • You have to be able to connect your database to java inorder to perform the naive Algorithm on it.
  • You should provide a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Users to input a new test and check e algorithm its class via its algorithm.


Report :

a. Basic idea of the algorithm

b. What Nodes, leafs & branches represent in decision tree?

c. Project Screen shots.

d. Compare between Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, Naive Bayesian Algorithm & Decision Tree.

Important Notes:

  • The Final Report should be of 1500 words, describing the Data, Software & Analyze & compare the results.
  • The attached notepad file(Iris database.txt)containing the database you should work with, Iris database contains three classes of Iris flower(setosa, virginica & versicolor) 50 sample for each, and four attributes (sepal length , sepal width, petal length, petal width)
  • It is required from you to create this database using Access 2007 as shown in the fig below
  • For Extra Marks: Search for a different algorithm, implement it & compare the results with the result of the previous 3 algorithms .

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JAVA Programming: implement decision tree algorithm using netbeans
Reference No:- TGS0219541

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