Identify and describe five scientific methods of research

Assignment: Short Paper

In a 3 - 4 page paper address the following:

• Identify and describe five scientific methods of research inquiry and how you would apply them to a research project.

• Be sure to provide examples.

• Develop a hypothesis focused on the professional practices of criminal justice practitioners.

o An example of a hypothesis would be: you could propose a hypothesis that focuses on whether law enforcement is better equipped to handle terrorism post 9/11 or whether airline safety has improved since the attacks of 9/11, etc.

• Then select two methods of inquiries and how you would apply them to your hypothesis to reach a conclusion. The paper should be 3 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages.

Student Checklist: Unit 4 Short Paper

Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions. Not Yet Yes


Did you identify five scientific methods of inquiry?

Did you describe the application of five scientific methods of inquiry?

Did you write a short hypothesis and conclusion based on your method of inquiry?

Did you cite your sources?


Did you state the findings of the paper concisely?

Did you support or oppose your position with insightful analysis?

Did you answer all the questions in a substantive manner?


Is your content accurate?

Is your content persuasive?

Is your content comprehensive enough to address the topic?


Did you prepare your paper as a MS Word Document?

Did you name your file correctly?

Did you use APA format to cite your sources?

Did you check your document for spelling?

Did you check your paper for grammatical errors?

Is your paper the correct length?

You may consult the Kaplan Online Library, the Internet, the textbook and other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

Directions for Submitting Your Short Paper

Write your Short Paper in a Word document and save it with a name you will remember. Be sure to include your name, class, and section number in your Paper.

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Dissertation: Identify and describe five scientific methods of research
Reference No:- TGS02315654

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