How would you describe costco organizational culture

Problem: Costco's James Sinegal took pride in his disdain for corporate perks. He answered his own phone and personally escorted guests to his Spartan office-no executive bathroom, no walls, 20- year-old furniture.

He commented: "We're low-cost operators, and it would be a little phony if we tried to pretend that we're not and had all the trappings" (Byrnes, Byrne. Edwards, and Lee, 2002, p. 82).

Sinegal retired years ago, but his legend lives on and through stories conveying the soul of Costco to employees and customers. Costco does not advertise, but its customers regularly broadcast their appreciation for its unique character through social media. In effect, both customers and employees serve as a large and very effective public relations group.

Using terms you have learned from the text:

a) Based on what you have read here, how would you describe Costco's organizational culture?

b) This short excerpt is rich with examples of management using at least three frames. Explain the three frames you see in this text.

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