How were foods expressed or presented to you as a child


A. How were foods expressed or presented to you as a child?

B. What were some of the cultural, religious, ethnic, or social "lessons" presented?

C. What might be some of the social expectations or perceived standards we are expected to follow regarding what we consume?

D. Where do we learn these?

E. How do you express or present foods now as an adult? Is it similar or different than what you learned as a child?

F. What do the contents of a refrigerator tell about a family's food values and beliefs? Is this always true?

G. What do you think about these comments "A refrigerator is both a private and shared space? One person likened the question, 'May I photograph the interior of your fridge?' to asking someone to pose nude for the camera."

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English: How were foods expressed or presented to you as a child
Reference No:- TGS03335520

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