How to keep students safe and learning during the covid

Assignment task:

Interview a teacher about his or her experience and views on education.   If the teacher has been involved in public education for awhile, ask him or her about the changes that he or she has observed and whether they reflect an improvement in the teacher's opinion.  If the teacher is relatively new to the profession, ask him or her how what he or she is doing now compares to his or her expectations. And whether he or she plans to continue in the teaching profession.  Does s/he think citizens should be actively involved with decisions that impact schools or are these decisions better left to professionals and perhaps parents? Does she or he feel that educators are viewed as respected professionals?  Do the expectations that we have for schools and teachers seem reasonable?   Does he or she feel that the public understands and appreciates everything that educators did to keep students safe and learning during the Covid epidemic?  Does he or she feel that the taxpayers provide enough funding to support high quality schools?   What values  does  he or she hope that students are learning to prepare them to be responsible citizens in a diverse democratic society?   Is there anything that he or she thinks that schools should be doing to help students make up for learning opportunities that they may have lost during the  Covid pandemic?  Make sure that you protect the confidentiality of your subjects -- do not include their real names or identifying

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Other Subject: How to keep students safe and learning during the covid
Reference No:- TGS03378445

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