How does dror define and explain the term cognitive bias


Answer all of the following questions completely and correctly. Be sure to review the assignment guidelines and any grading specifications (refer to the syllabus and the grading rubrics).

I. Select one investigative thinking failure described by Kim Rossmo (2016) that is the most concerning to you. First, define and describe that thinking failure and second, explain why you believe it is the most concerning.

II. Dror (2020) addresses eight cognitive biases. How does Dror define and explain the term cognitive bias?

III. Select one cognitive bias described by Dror (2020) that is the most concerning to you. First, define and describe that bias and second, explain why you believe it is the most concerning.

IV. Do some research and provide, with an explanation, one proposed way to reduce bias in forensic science.

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Reference No:- TGS03355450

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