How culture/economic class influence emergence to adulthood


Q1) We'll continue to talk about emerging adulthood next week, but based on the material in the lecture this week, what are your thoughts about this transition process? How does culture/economic class/gender influence one's "emergence" into adulthood?

Q2) Last week we discussed risky decisions in adolescence--- now let's talk about it for young adults.  What are your thoughts on drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc.  when it comes to young adults for whom they are legal?  Are you concerned about this overall?  If yes, what do you propose can be done about it?  If no, why not?

Q3) What are your thoughts on relationships between young adults in the 2020s?  How has technology changed the way young adults meet/interact/date, especially during the socially distance time over the past year?  Are long distance relationships easier or more difficult now than before facetime, skype, etc.?  What do you think dating will be like for emerging adults in ~20 years?

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