How are we changed what makes us alter our view or behavior

You want 2 different essays with 2 different topics from the topics below. It is an essay of The Epic of Gilgamesh. You need them tomorrow by afternoon. 3 papers each essay, so all of them are 6 papers.

You need reactions, questions and observations to The Epic of Gilgamesh.

( 1. What does it mean to be human?

2. How are we changed? What makes us alter our view or behavior or aspirations? Does the change come from internal contemplation assessed by personal philosophy?

3. Though the epic tells us much about how human beings behave, does it include any directives as to how we should behave?

4. Character motivation, often reveals not only insight on the character but also the themes of the text as a whole.

5. Morals and values of the people (and the characters?). What ideas were important to the people of Uruk? What did they expect from their rulers.? What values were important to the people?

6. Does companionship define a person?

7. Significance of the role of the gods?

8. Modern society's depiction of sexual interaction?

9. The evolution of the roles of women?)

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History: How are we changed what makes us alter our view or behavior
Reference No:- TGS02923653

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