Histogram and the stem-and-leaf display

Visit the Australian Bureau of Statistics website and get the Catalogue 6302.0 Average Weekly Earnings, Australia. You can access the data in Table 10.G from the website

https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/DetailsPage/6302.0Nov%202013?OpenDocument .

From the Sheet Data1, Use the values for Nov-2013 (row 48) up to column S (which gives earnings for other services). Take only 3 significant digits (in tens of dollars, for example, the first value from column B, which is earnings in the mining sector, should be 247. The second value in the data set should be 129, the third 162, and so on).

(a) Construct a steam-and-leaf display for these data.

(b) Construct a relative frequency histogram for these data.

(c) Briefly describe what the histogram and the stem-and-leaf display tell you about the data. What characteristics are different between histograms and stem plots?

(d) What proportion of weekly income is below 130 (i.e., $1,300.00)

Question 2:

The following data represents the car tyres life time (in days) for three different companies in India:

Company 1: 300 245 438 460 380 510 490 320 405 482
Company 2: 500 470 530 390 480 510 546 464 457 393
Company 3: 280 295 320 266 344 325 295 361 349 400

(a) Compute the mean, median, first quartile, and third quartile for each company.

(b) Compute the standard deviation, range and coefficient of variation from the sample data for each company.

(c) Draw a box and whisker plot for each company and put them side by side.

(d) Compare the box plots and describe the skewness of the data.

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Basic Statistics: Histogram and the stem-and-leaf display
Reference No:- TGS0686866

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