Healthcare market

Healthcare Market strategy

The marketing director for Bright Road Healthcare is looking at ways to improve their personal health record. A personal health record not only engages patients in their own wellness, but also is a method of retaining loyal patients.


The analysis and recommendations will be submitted to the instructor for grading.

In this LearnScape, you will work with Bright Road staff members to gather information about their patient demographics, and then analyze the functionality and utility of the Health Care System's personal health record, a resource provided to their patients. Using this information, you will make recommendations on how to improve the functionality and utility of the personal health record. At the end of the LearnScape, you will meet with the marketing director to present recommendations.

You will construct an e-mail to the company with a recommendation. The recommendation will include specific details on how to improve the overall functionality and utility of the current PHR system in place.

After gathering information from key team members and reviewing the PHR, it is time to write your recommendation to the Bright Roads.

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Other Subject: Healthcare market
Reference No:- TGS01101730

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