Have you ever noticed someone using the passive voice


Think of some of the sites you have recently visited on your mobile device; for example, to shop for new attire-clothing, shoes, or accessories; to order food; to check your bank balance; or to plan a socially distanced weekend event. If you feel the site could be more user friendly, which of the five techniques for writing messages for mobile devices (p. 177) would you recommend to the owner of the site, and explain.

Have you ever noticed someone using the passive voice to avoid taking responsibility for a situation or a mistake? For example, someone might say "mistakes were made" rather than "I made a mistake." What effect might this have on the speaker or writer's credibility? Can the passive voice be ethically misused in this way?

Use this citation

"Prioritize the information based on what you know about their needs and put that information first" (Thill and Bovee 177).

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