Give a single command any commands separated by pipes are

Problem : Give a single command (any commands separated by pipes are considered to be a single command) for each of the following:

a) Read the last 26 lines from the file ‘essay.txt', and append them to the end of the file ‘paragraph.txt'.

b) List all of the files/directories in the directory ‘/source/' that end in ‘.cpp', determine the number of files in this result, and save that value to the file ‘cppFiles' (overwriting the file if it exists, not appending to it).

c) List all files in the current directory in order of least-recently used to most-recently used (accessed), then append them to the file ‘/results/ordered'.

d) Read the first 50 lines from the file ‘/usr/logins.txt', sort them in lexicographical (dictionary) order, remove any duplicate lines (while displaying the number of duplicates next to each), sort them again so they are in numerical order from largest to smallest, then append the top 5 lines of the result to the file ‘/tmp/biggestLogins'.

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Computer Engineering: Give a single command any commands separated by pipes are
Reference No:- TGS02897312

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