Get expression for steady-state concentrations of cl and clo

In the stratosphere, chlorine atoms catalytically destroy ozone (O3) producing the now infamous ozone hole above the Antarctic pole. An intermediate compound of this process is chlorine monoxide (ClO), before chlorine is bound and rendered inactive by the formation of chlorine nitrate (ClONO2). Perform a steady-state analysis for d[Cl]/dt and for d[ClO]/dt in the following mechanism:

Cl2 → 2 Cl
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
2 ClO →2 Cl + O2
ClO + NO2 → ClONO2

Obtain expressions for the steady-state concentrations of Cl and ClO and hence for the rate of change of ozone.

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Chemistry: Get expression for steady-state concentrations of cl and clo
Reference No:- TGS0429565

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